
July 12, 2024 We are excited to have participated for the second time in a row in the Australia Wind Energy 2024 Conference, the largest wind energy conference and exhibition in Australia, at the M…
July 1, 2024 BlueFloat Energy participated in yesterday’s Union for the Mediterranean webinar on ‘Fostering the Sustainable Development of Marine Renewable Energy through Effective Licensing and Ma…
May 31st, 2024 BlueFloat Energy at Floating Wind Days: showcasing our Italian floating wind projects and our approach to delivering this game-changing technology to address Italy’s decarbonization …
May 13th, 2024 This week our CEO, Carlos Martin Rivals, is visiting the Philippines, a key market for us in the APAC region. One of the main objectives of Carlos’ trip to Manila this time is to per…
April 18th, 2024 BlueFloat Energy and Greenvolt Group partnership took at an active part in yesterday's Oceanic Renewables Summit organized by APREN - Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis i…
BlueFloat Energy was delighted to participate yesterday at the “Floating Wind Japan 2024” conference. Walid Oulmane, Head of Ports and Industrialization at BlueFloat Energy, led the panel discussion o…
February 6, 2024 Anni Piirainen, Head of Technical Project Management at BlueFloat Energy, on stage at Floating Wind Solutions Conference 2024 in Houston As part of the "Spotlight on Developers …
November 13, 2023 Reflections from the Marine Energy Forum Enerximar 2023 held last Friday in Ferrol and organized by Cluergal - Galician Renewable Energy Cluster. Helena Brage, Business Develop…

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